Bhagavata 6th Skandha Upanyasa by Pt. Purandaracharya Hayagreeva

Bhagavata 6th Skandha Upanyasa by Pt. Purandaracharya Hayagreeva

Commemorating the 75th Birth Year celebrations of Panditya Pujya Guttala Rangacharya, Atmashrama is conducting a year long Bhagavata Jnana Yagna. Discourses by reknowned Madhwa Scholars about each Skandha of Bhagavata is being held once a month for three days. Now we have reached the Sixth Skandha of Bhagavata which is going to be discoursed by Pt. Purandaracharya Hayagreeva. All bhaktas are requested to attend the discourse and get the Bhagavata Shravana Phala. 
